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Public Health – Data Collection

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Case Study for Assessment Task 2

TheOuterWesternSydneyFoodProject isafouryearprojectthataimstoincreasethe proportionofresidentsinonesociallydisadvantagedlocalgovernmentAreawhoreport regularlyconsuminghealthyfoods.Fundedprimarilybytheregionalhealthserviceitinvolves apartnershipbetweencommunityhealthworkers,localgovernment,schoolsandbusiness representatives.Setoutbelowarethegoal,andaselectionofthekeyobjectivesand strategiesoftheproject.

Increaseby5%theproportionoffamilieswhoreportthatbothadultsandchildrenmeet nationalguidelinesforconsumingvegetables,fruitsandlimitedamountsofhighenergy snacksanddrinks.

Target population:


•    Achieve80%knowledgeofguidelinesforchildrenandadultsaboutconsumptionof fruits,vegetables,waterandhighenergysnacksanddrinks.
•    Reduceby20%theproportionofparentswhoreportthattheyhavedifficultyobtaining accesstoaffordable,nutritiousfoods.
•    Increaseto60%theproportionofparentswhoreportthattheyareconfidenttoprovide a mealfortheirchildthatmeetsthedietaryguidelines.
•    Introducelocalgovernmentpolicyguidelinesforneighbourhoodfoodaccessspecifying suchthingsasaccessfromresidentialareastoshoppingprecinctsusingpublic transportandtypesoffoodavailablefromtheshops.
•    Implementbusroutechangestolinkthehousingestatetoamajorfoodshopping centre.
•    Ensurethecanteensinallprimaryandhighschoolsmeetnutritionguidelines.
•    Achieve80%ofsportingandleisureclubsandpublicfacilitiesstockfreshfoods,water andlowfatproducts.


i.    EstablishaFoodPolicyCommitteewithCounciltodeveloppolicyandliaisewith transportprovidersandretailersconcerningfoodaccess.

ii.    Setuphomedeliveryservicesoffruitsandvegetablesinseveralareasbyworking withlocalretailers.

iii.    EngagethePricewatchgrouptoincorporatehealthyfoodsontotheirlistoffoods regularlymonitoredandpublishpricesofhealthyvs.lesshealthyalternativesinlocal newspapers.

iv.    Delivereveningseminarsanddistributenutritioninformationandfoodpreparationtips toparentsthroughschoolsandthroughcouncilnewsletters.

v.    Conductworkshopswithschoolrepresentatives,followedbydisseminating informationmaterials, andanaccreditationsystemtoincreasetheproportionofschoolswhich meethealthycanteenguidelines.

vi.    Implement a schoolbreakfastprograminschoolsinandaroundthehousingestate area.

vii.    Conductworkshopswithsportingclubsandfacilitiesrepresentativesfollowedby informationmaterialsandanaccreditationsystemtoincreasetheproportionwhich meethealthyfoodguidelines.

viii.    Undertakecookingdemonstrationsatneighbourhoodcentresandcommunity festivalsandopendays.

Assessment Task 3: Data collection instrument 2000 words
Details of task: In this final assessment task you are required to prepare a data collectioninstrument that could be used in the evaluation plan that you prepared for AT2. The instrumentmay be for quantitative and/or qualitative purposes. The completed AT3 you submit should havetwo parts (both included in the word count). These are the instrument you have developed, and a1-2 page discussion of the purpose of the instrument, the data it is intended to collect, and theconsiderations that have guided the way it has been designed. This discussion might considerthe wording, format and order of the questions included, and other issues relevant tomeasurement quality. Please note that it is acceptable to integrate measures from other sourcesinto your instrument, as well as developing your own.
Attaching the AT2 which you wrote for me. I need the same writer. This 3rdassignment is based on what we have written in assignment 2 which is attached.
This case study is the attached
1.    AT2 Case Study 2015.docx
Assignment 2 which you wrote last week is also attached
1.    81502294-finalwriter.doc

Marking Criteria
Clear statement of the purpose of the instrument and the data it is intended to collect    Very clear explanation of the purpose and intended uses of the instrument, leading to sound justification for questions
Commentary that explains the design of the instrument that demonstrates an understanding of key aspects of measurement quality    Commentary that clearly describes and applies a wide range of important measurement issues to the instrument, well supported by references
Instructions for data collector and/or respondent to ensure proper administration of questions    Very clear instructions given for data collector and respondents that address all of the important issues for question completion
Inclusion of questions that meet the specified purpose    Excellent range of questions that clearly align with the purpose(s) of the instrument, with question items that show in-depth understanding of important indicators
Ordering of questions that is logical    Question sequence is consistently logical and flows well, showing a sound understanding of ordering effects
Adherence to question design principles that are relevant to the  type of instrument presented    Wording and response options are very clear,  adhere to principles of question design and have good face validity
Collection of appropriate descriptive information about the respondent or object of study    Range of relevant demographic questions, which are clear, appropriately detailed and well-structured
Referencing     10 or more references, from range of appropriate sources, in correct format
Formatting spelling, grammar    High standard of writing, clearly structured, with few if any errors in spelling or grammar

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Public Health – Data Collection

Order Description

Case Study for Assessment Task 2

TheOuterWesternSydneyFoodProject isafouryearprojectthataimstoincreasethe proportionofresidentsinonesociallydisadvantagedlocalgovernmentAreawhoreport regularlyconsuminghealthyfoods.Fundedprimarilybytheregionalhealthserviceitinvolves apartnershipbetweencommunityhealthworkers,localgovernment,schoolsandbusiness representatives.Setoutbelowarethegoal,andaselectionofthekeyobjectivesand strategiesoftheproject.

Increaseby5%theproportionoffamilieswhoreportthatbothadultsandchildrenmeet nationalguidelinesforconsumingvegetables,fruitsandlimitedamountsofhighenergy snacksanddrinks.

Target population:


•    Achieve80%knowledgeofguidelinesforchildrenandadultsaboutconsumptionof fruits,vegetables,waterandhighenergysnacksanddrinks.
•    Reduceby20%theproportionofparentswhoreportthattheyhavedifficultyobtaining accesstoaffordable,nutritiousfoods.
•    Increaseto60%theproportionofparentswhoreportthattheyareconfidenttoprovide a mealfortheirchildthatmeetsthedietaryguidelines.
•    Introducelocalgovernmentpolicyguidelinesforneighbourhoodfoodaccessspecifying suchthingsasaccessfromresidentialareastoshoppingprecinctsusingpublic transportandtypesoffoodavailablefromtheshops.
•    Implementbusroutechangestolinkthehousingestatetoamajorfoodshopping centre.
•    Ensurethecanteensinallprimaryandhighschoolsmeetnutritionguidelines.
•    Achieve80%ofsportingandleisureclubsandpublicfacilitiesstockfreshfoods,water andlowfatproducts.


i.    EstablishaFoodPolicyCommitteewithCounciltodeveloppolicyandliaisewith transportprovidersandretailersconcerningfoodaccess.

ii.    Setuphomedeliveryservicesoffruitsandvegetablesinseveralareasbyworking withlocalretailers.

iii.    EngagethePricewatchgrouptoincorporatehealthyfoodsontotheirlistoffoods regularlymonitoredandpublishpricesofhealthyvs.lesshealthyalternativesinlocal newspapers.

iv.    Delivereveningseminarsanddistributenutritioninformationandfoodpreparationtips toparentsthroughschoolsandthroughcouncilnewsletters.

v.    Conductworkshopswithschoolrepresentatives,followedbydisseminating informationmaterials, andanaccreditationsystemtoincreasetheproportionofschoolswhich meethealthycanteenguidelines.

vi.    Implement a schoolbreakfastprograminschoolsinandaroundthehousingestate area.

vii.    Conductworkshopswithsportingclubsandfacilitiesrepresentativesfollowedby informationmaterialsandanaccreditationsystemtoincreasetheproportionwhich meethealthyfoodguidelines.

viii.    Undertakecookingdemonstrationsatneighbourhoodcentresandcommunity festivalsandopendays.

Assessment Task 3: Data collection instrument 2000 words
Details of task: In this final assessment task you are required to prepare a data collectioninstrument that could be used in the evaluation plan that you prepared for AT2. The instrumentmay be for quantitative and/or qualitative purposes. The completed AT3 you submit should havetwo parts (both included in the word count). These are the instrument you have developed, and a1-2 page discussion of the purpose of the instrument, the data it is intended to collect, and theconsiderations that have guided the way it has been designed. This discussion might considerthe wording, format and order of the questions included, and other issues relevant tomeasurement quality. Please note that it is acceptable to integrate measures from other sourcesinto your instrument, as well as developing your own.
Attaching the AT2 which you wrote for me. I need the same writer. This 3rdassignment is based on what we have written in assignment 2 which is attached.
This case study is the attached
1.    AT2 Case Study 2015.docx
Assignment 2 which you wrote last week is also attached
1.    81502294-finalwriter.doc

Marking Criteria
Clear statement of the purpose of the instrument and the data it is intended to collect    Very clear explanation of the purpose and intended uses of the instrument, leading to sound justification for questions
Commentary that explains the design of the instrument that demonstrates an understanding of key aspects of measurement quality    Commentary that clearly describes and applies a wide range of important measurement issues to the instrument, well supported by references
Instructions for data collector and/or respondent to ensure proper administration of questions    Very clear instructions given for data collector and respondents that address all of the important issues for question completion
Inclusion of questions that meet the specified purpose    Excellent range of questions that clearly align with the purpose(s) of the instrument, with question items that show in-depth understanding of important indicators
Ordering of questions that is logical    Question sequence is consistently logical and flows well, showing a sound understanding of ordering effects
Adherence to question design principles that are relevant to the  type of instrument presented    Wording and response options are very clear,  adhere to principles of question design and have good face validity
Collection of appropriate descriptive information about the respondent or object of study    Range of relevant demographic questions, which are clear, appropriately detailed and well-structured
Referencing     10 or more references, from range of appropriate sources, in correct format
Formatting spelling, grammar    High standard of writing, clearly structured, with few if any errors in spelling or grammar

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